100% Original Content that Adheres to Academic Writing Standards.

6/3 Second Paper


The following websites provide some guidance on compliance and governance planning:

Example plans:

Remember, these are examples. You are not producing a lengthy plan. Use these resources as guidance in developing your project plan. 


  1. You will complete this paper in the form of a compliance and governance plan for an organization. You may use your own organization (although you must change the name for confidentiality purposes) or use a fictitious company. You may use the internet to look for examples of privacy policies and compliance and governance plans; however, the plan you develop must be in your own words. The plan must cover the issues and concerns that need to be addressed by the plan, including the following:
    1. Privacy issues of customers
    2. Protection of intellectual property your organization possesses (assume the company has some copyrighted or patented material [e.g., software] or some product)
    3. Cyberlaws that will apply to your organization
  2. The paper should be outlined as follows:
    1. Executive summary/introduction: Include the issues and concerns to be addressed by the plan. Provide four to five paragraphs introducing the plan, including the rationales for developing a compliance plan and the goals of doing so.
    2. Sections: Include sections that address each of the concerns noted above. See the bulleted points on topics the plan should cover. Provide a paragraph at the beginning of each section. Include any additional sections you believe necessary to develop a comprehensive plan.
    3. Conclusion: Provide a four- or five-paragraph conclusion to the plan. A bulleted list of recommendations would help to summarize the plan. Include suggestions for implementing the plan.
  3. The paper should be about 15  pages in length (double-spaced), and transitions between sections should be addressed.
  4. Any graphics or tables do not count toward the page count.

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