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Self-efficacy is the belief about your personal ability to achieve a goal or complete something successfully. Studies have shown students who have a high level of self-efficacy, or mindset, perform better than students who do not. This is why a positive attitude and proper planning is so important.


Positive self-talk is one way you can help keep a positive attitude and stay focused and motivated to achieve any goal. For this assignment, you are going to consider what things you can reinforce, or say to yourself, to keep a positive mindset.

Consider the following statements:

Instead of: I’m going to think like this: I’m not good at this. What can I do to understand this better? This is too hard. This may take some extra time 

Now, consider your responses to the following:

Instead of: I’m going to think like this: She is so much smarter than me. My response will have to be good enough. This isnt going how I planned. I cannot do math. Im a horrible writer. I just dont understand this. I dont know how to get started.

What are some other positive ways you can help stay motivated?

In your submission, be sure to:

  • List the alternative you will use for positive self-talk situations described above.
  • Describe any other ways you can help motivate yourself when things may seem impossible.

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