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Biological anthropology

Hello everyone and welcome to ANTH 300: Biological Anthropology!

For all discussion board posts throughout the semester be sure to fully answer the prompts, respond to another students’ post and participate in the discussion before the posted deadlines. Be sure to post 2 different posts (200 words or more each). One post must relate to the prompt while one may be a response to a classmate. Hit “reply” under the topic that you wish to answer; this will allow for threaded discussions. Or, hit “reply” at the top of the screen (not next to a topic), if you wish to start a new thread.

Please make an introductory post with the following information: Preferred name and pronouns, why you decided to take this course, and one interesting fact about yourself. After you complete the prompt please comment on another students’ post. Remember all discussion posts are due by 11:59 pm on Sunday, so this will be due Sunday, June 19th. 

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