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case application for health analytic – need as soon as possible. please see all attachments


The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to analyze data that was collected by the New York State Department of Health for all Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) procedures that occurred during 2011 thru 2013.  To complete this assignment, do the following:

–   Read the article that is on Canvas as Adult Cardiac Surgery in New York State 2011-2013.  Pay particular attention to Table 6 (Page 25) of this article where the data for each surgeon is presented.

–   After you have completed reading the article mentioned above, open up the Excel file that is on Canvas called Analyzing Cardiac Surgery Data.  This is essentially the date that you see in the article.  I have removed all surgeons who did less than 10 procedures at any hospital.  I have also removed the category of surgeons called All Others which you see in Table 6 of the article referenced above.

–   Based on the data that is presented in Analyzing Cardiac Surgery Data, please answer the following questions:

1) How many surgeons who performed 200 or more procedures during the time-period in Question had five or fewer deaths within 30 days of surgery?

 2) Please create a Pivot Table, which summarizes the data, using the Hospital Name as the
Row Label, the Region as the Column Label and the Sum of Cases as the Value. Which Region, Upstate or Downstate, performed more Open Heart Procedures?

3) Please create a Pivot Table, which summarizes the data using the Surgeon Name as the
Row Label, the Hospital Name as the second Row Label and the Sum of Cases as the
Value.  You do not need to provide a Column Label. How many surgeons performed Open Heart Procedures in more than one hospital?

Analyzing Open Heart Risk Stratification Data (Continued)

4) Does the definition of the Risk Adjusted Mortality Rate (RARM), that is discussed on page 4 of the reading assignment make intuitive sense to you as an observer of this data?

5) Does the use of a 30-day window for calculating the Risk Adjusted Mortality Rate seem to you to be a useful metric for rating surgeons and/or hospitals?

6) Based on the data presented here, which surgeon and hospital would you advise your 65 year old family member, who had a number of different pre-operative risk factors (see page 13 for discussion of the calculation of a risk-adjusted mortality rate) to perform the isolated CABG procedure?

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