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Disaster systems Response Assignment 1

Disaster systems Response Assignment 1

Topic: As GIS and other decision support systems become common in emergency management, how do these systems help us mitigate or minimize the impact of disasters on populations?

Students will write a short paper addressing the above question. The response paper must be supported by research and cited in APA format. 

The paper will be at least 4 pages, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12 point font with 1 inch margins. The page count does NOT include the title page, abstract, or bibliography.

The paper will be formatted and cited using the APA format.

paper must completely answer the question, and responses must be supported by research and citation.

Under no circumstances should you be using Wikipedia or similar web sites as a reference for your assignment . This includes any website that allows for community editing of information (a wiki). However, you may visit Wikipedia, etc. to find other primary source information.

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