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 In the course, we are making a special focus on Microsoft Office using MS Word and MS PowerPoint.

It is important or not to study MS Word and MS PowerPoint in the course? Argument your answer. 

How you can use this two application software in your professional future?


Discussions: How will be evaluated.

1- The discussion will have a value of 100 points

2- Your opinion about the subject will be graded as 70%

3- Your criteria for another student’s opinion will be 30% (minimum 2)

So, you will need to have a minimum of three posted in the discussion. 

Your arguments will be very important.

Do not copy answers from the Internet. 

The answers should be your own opinions.

Comments : 

 I believe it is important to study these application software. Almost most if not all companies, schools, jobs use these software. It is easier for them to use the software because it can be sent and used anywhere in the world. You are better able to organize and it is always easier to open and change if something is wrong or needs to be edited. It is very important to use because there always more to learn and it is a very good teaching tool to use. In schools Microsoft Office has been used and the quality for presentations has been better and the different tools to use while using MS Word is great. The different designs are awesome to use to spice up the words or the designs on either applications. So in my opinion yes, I think these software are very important. 


In the modern days those two tools offer for Microsoft office Microsoft Word and Microsoft Power Point are very important and help full. You can used for personal purpose and business too, in the personal purpose for example with Microsoft Word application you can write a report or redacting a complete investigation for any of your classes, or a resume for job application.

With Microsoft Power Point application is very help full for example in your job, because you can make and organized in slides a presentation of a new project, in administration department a complete and detailed budget month by month of the all company or a specific department.

The fact is that these applications are very helpfully because like I said before can help you a maintaining and organized all your data in same place your computer.

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