100% Original Content that Adheres to Academic Writing Standards.

Global Strategy and Policies

SECONDARY  REPORTS  (2  @  5%  each  =  10%):  This  is  a  two-page  overview  that includes (1) An identification of 3 key challenges, problems, and/or issues facing the focal company/industry;   (2)   a   discussion/   demonstration   of   how   concepts   from   the text/readings  can  help  us  solve/understand  each  issue  at  hand;  (3)  your  strategic recommendation  as  to  how  the  focal  company  should  proceed.  No  cover  sheet,  title information (name, date, course, etc.) is required. All that should be on your submission is your answers.

Secondary reports have two specific goals. First, it requires you to understand the case well enough to identify 3 major issues facing the firm. Second, it requires you to understand how course concepts can be used/applied to the case to make informed managerial decisions.

Secondary reports will be graded on a 10-point fish scale, based on the following weights: 0 pts. (indicating a no report), 100 pts. (Excellent), 80 pts. (Very Good), 60 pts (Good), 40 pts. (Fair), or 20 pts (Poor).

FORMAT:  2  pages  max  with  one  inch  margins,  Times  12  font,  1.5  line  spacing;  SUBMIT: through Canvas>Assignments:


Use these sources and the one which I already provided you. 

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlK6582g700

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVBPhCJh-dw

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYF2_FBCvXw

We are always aiming to provide top quality academic writing services that will surely enable you achieve your desired academic grades. Our support is round the clock!

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