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Health Care Delivery

On the https://www.ama-assn.org/form/policy-finder website:
1.    Enter each of the following terms separately:
A – Medicare
          B – Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
2.    For each term above filter by selecting Health Care Delivery under Policy Topic.

3.    Once the filter has been applied, answer the following questions:

A – How many policy statements are found?
B – Select two policies and describe how the policy will impact health care delivery.

Medicare (2 paragraph Total)
1. Policy A (1 paragraph)
2. Policy B (1 paragraph)

Childrens Health Insurance Program (2 paragraph) Total)
1. Policy A (1 paragraph)
2. Policy B (1 paragraph)

Support your answer with fact and cite resources.

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APA scholar references

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