100% Original Content that Adheres to Academic Writing Standards.



  • CSLO 1: Identify and describe the social determinants of health and their role in facilitating health disparities in the United States 
  • CSLO 2: Examine how the social construction of gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexuality, socioeconomic status and other social identities impact health in the United States 
  • CSLO 3: Recognize key risk factors for critical health conditions experienced by various populations and social identities in the United States 
  • CSLO 4: Differentiate the leading causes of death for various populations and social identities in the United States 
  • CSLO 5: Analyze how gender intersects with race, ethnicity, culture, sexuality, socioeconomic status and other social identities to influence health in the United States 
  • CSLO 6: Assess the effect of healthcare inequity and inequality in rural, tribal, and urban communities in the United States

 There is a case based on Lia : questions that needed to be answered 

  1. How can health care providers prepare for situations like Lias?
  2. Should child protective services have been contacted?
  3. Were Lias parents irresponsible?
  4. How did the parents belief system affect Lias health care?
  5. Were the parents decisions morally and legally wrong?

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