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java chat

  Modern computing systems play a neat magic trick; they manage to run dozens of software seemingly simultaneously on your desktop. Underneath the hood, each process is being shuffled in and out of the processor at lightning speed, giving us the illusion of parallel operations. A Java Thread is a programming technique that allows us to do just that. Well see how Java Threads use time-slicing techniques to divide up the CPU and create concurrent lightweight processes 

Prompt: Take the opportunity to engage with classmates on all matters regarding Java. Asking for and providing assistance are solid ways to build your coding skills. You are required to provide at least one of the following each week:

  • A question regarding how to accomplish a certain task from this weeks assignment or project
  • A response that aids a students aforementioned question
  • An interesting article with a brief synopsis that details an interesting aspect or capability of Java
  • A link to and short description of a tool, technique, plug-in, IDE, and any other useful resource you run across

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