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Marketing Analysis wk 1

Part 1 . Research the internet for a high tech company, for example Apple, Microsoft, or Google or another company of your choice.  Prepare a one page paper and Analyze the role of marketing in the high-tech company. Please double space your paper and cite your sources.

Part 2 :

Please answer the following questions:

1. Is the Tata Nano car (from the opening vignette) a disruptive innovation, as defined later in the chapter? If so, what are the implications for industry incumbents? 

2. Youve been asked to assess the market potential for mobile advertising (advertising over mobile phones, sometimes referred to as the third screen for advertising media, coming after TV and computer/Internet advertising). What factors will affect the adoption rate of this media platform by advertisers? To what extent do network externalities have an effect?

3.  Can a strategic planning system, such as Medtronics, be a source of competitive advantage?  Explain.

4. What configuration of resources (i.e., tangible assets, intangible assets, competencies) are necessary for a Fast Follower, such as Microsoft, to be successful?

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