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You were asked to create a data model for a company dinner club…the final database design must enable the manager to mail invitations to the clubs members, plan the meals, and keep track of who attends the dinners…you were also given the following business rules…

  • Each dinner serves many members, and each member may attend many dinners…
  • A member receives many invitations, and each invitation is mailed to many members…
  • A dinner is based on a single entre…but an entre may be used as the basis for many dinners…for example, a dinner may be composed of a fish entre, rice, and corn…or the dinner may be composed of a fish entre, a baked potato, and string beans…

The chart below was created by the manager of the company who is NOT a database expert…


Based on the business rules and diagram above, you need to do the following:

  1. Develop a CROW’S FOOT DIAGRAM of the database for EACH NORMAL FORM…I want to see your progression from 1NF to 2NF to 3NF (yes, you need to turn in THREE diagrams)…MAKE SURE YOU USE PROPER NAMEING CONVENTIONS (i.e., XXX_XXX_XXX)…
  2. For EACH Normal Form, explain how you arrived at that diagram…
  3. Explain how you decided on the final Primary and Foreign Keys…
  4. Identify any additional business rules that you may need…

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