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Theory Relationships: Part II – Integrating Habits of Mind in Instruction Application: Integrating Habits of Mind in Instruction Custom Essay

Ms. Leibowitz emphasizes that when planning instruction, teachers can intentionally incorporate habits of mind into lessons and units. For this week?s Application, you will develop a detailed lesson plan in which you integrate habits of mind in content instruction. To prepare for this assignment, review the format of the instructional design described by Ms. Leibowitz and consider how it reflects the conceptual framework Dr. Costa introduces at the beginning of the "A Framework for Designing Instruction" media segment.
Next, review the four grouping structures Ms. Leibowitz presents in the "Grouping Structures" media segment. Based on what you have learned this week, consider how you might use these grouping structures in your classroom to support interdependent thinking. Which grouping structure would be most effective for enhancing student learning and fostering self-directedness in your classroom?
Develop a lesson that integrates habits of mind, teaching processes, grouping structures, and assessment. Include the following in your lesson:
1. The subject area and grade level
2. The content and process standards your lesson addresses
3. The essential question(s) that will encourage students to think about and explore this topic
4. The habits of mind your students will focus on during this learning activity
5. A description of how you will group students for cooperative work and to support interdependent thinking
6. A description of the steps of the lesson
7. One or more assessments that will allow students to demonstrate their learning
8. A reflection on your decision-making process in developing this lesson based on your learning this week and throughout this course

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