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Ultra-Processed Diets – Reading a Paper Excerpt – Ultra-Processed Diets 5


Ultra-Processed Diets – Reading a Paper Excerpt – Ultra-Processed Diets 5

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For this post, you will become an expert on one section of the paper:  

This is a primary research article and as such, it may be challenging to read. You may wish to refer back to the popular media summary we read in the previous section: . 

Links to each section:

Post Requirements:

This assignment requires two posts, each completed individually. 

First Post

Each person in your group will read one of the five sections listed above, selected on a first-come, first-serve basis. It is strongly recommended that you make a placeholder post to avoid multiple students reading and posting about the same section. You may reply to your placeholder post with your responses to the prompts.

Title your post with your chosen section (e.g., Introduction, Methods, etc.), then answer the following:

  1. Explain three major points of your section of the article (each point should be 2-3 sentences; bullet-point format is fine).
  2. List and define at least two vocabulary words or phrases from the section you read. These can be any words/phrases that you didn’t know the meaning of, or generally challenging terminology (examples: Ad Libitum, NOVA system, palatability, etc.).
  3. Based on the reading of your section, what are two questions you have? These may be something you need clarification on, technical questions, questions about the diets, methods, or broader questions about the article. Try to avoid posing questions that can be answered with a simple search.
  4. Highlight an aspect of the reading that you found interesting and explain how it relates to what you’ve learned in this week’s module (3-4 sentences).

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