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Week 6 Discussion – Division of Labor


Week 6 Discussion – Division of Labor

Chapter 9 in the eBook states ” linkages show the lines of responsibility through which a supervisor delegates authority to subordinates, oversees their activities, evaluates their performance, and guides them toward improvement when necessary.”  Understanding these linkages helps managers better organize the different functions within an organization.  Select an organization or firm that you are familiar or associated with and describe two formal linkages and one informal linkage that can be encountered.

Were these formal linkages horizontal or vertical? Do you feel these observed divisions of labor were efficient? Explain why or why not?

Did the informal linkage have an influence on the operation? Explain why or why not?

The original post is due by Tuesday, June 14, 2022, by midnight.  Responses to two classmates are also required and due by June 16, 2022, by midnight.  Users must post in order to see classmates’ replies to this discussion.

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