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Writing Assignment – Step 1 – McCollum’s Model of Mental Health

 Refer to the Office of Minority Health (OMH) website

Target Course Objectives

  • Describe the settings and role of health educators and promoters
  • Discuss the role of cultural competency and cultural humility in mental health education and promotion
  • Define McCollum’s model of mental health education


  1. Identify the population you want to work with: African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, etc.
  2. Select one of the mental health areas: depression, anxiety, ADHD, schizophrenia, stress management, mood disorders, personality disorders, substance use, alcohol dependence, and tobacco use. 
  3. Identify a setting for the final project: Public health department, a not-for-profit organization, faith-based organization, schools, hospitals, mental health facilities, worksites.
  4. Write 2-3 paragraphs explaining your interest in the selected population, mental health area, and setting?  What do you know about the mental health area? How would cultural humility impact the chosen population?

Be sure to address the following in your submission:

  • Writing Assignment prompt: Steps 1 – 4
  • Length: 2-3 paragraphs
  • Number of sources required: 3
  • Academic Writing Guide:  APA

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